New Jersey residents who work in the construction industry may be interested to know that taking certain proactive steps can improve workplace safety by 670 percent. This is according to the Associated Builders and Contractors.
The ABC released its Safety Performance Report for 2018 that stated not only can the use of organization’s Safety Performance Evaluation Process by companies make a job site up to 670 percent safer, but it can also lower the number of reportable safety occurrences by up to 85 percent.
According to the report, companies that employ orientation for new hires, substance abuse programs and other proactive safety measures tend to be safer places to work than the companies do not employ those methods. Other important aspects of the STEP program include toolbox talks, safety orientations specific to a worksite, the creation of site safety committees and the analysis of near-misses or near-hits.
Also included in the report was the observation that along with employee engagement, the inclusion of a C-Suite engagement was necessary to have an effective safety program. A C-Suite engagement is capable of cutting the total recordable incident rate of a company by up to 70 percent.
Contractors are able to use the STEP process to assess their safety programs based on 20 important components. The process also allows contractors to measure how well their safety programs have improved and instructs them on the best practices for reducing experience modification rates, DART and TRIRs.
A personal injury attorney may assist injured workers with obtaining the workers compensation to which they may be legally entitled. The attorney may advise clients about what steps to take to appeal denied benefit claims for back injuries, neck injuries, occupational diseases or permanent disabilities that were sustained in a workplace accident caused by unsafe conditions.